
Posts Tagged ‘fulfilled’

Finding Your Tribe
Your Allies On Life’s Journey

Part of being human

is the search for an individual identity.

Bound to this strong need

to establish a unique persona,however,

is an equally intense desire

for acceptance.

It is when we find

our individual tribes

that both are satisfied.

Our tribe members are those people

who accept us as we are

without reservation

and gladly accompany us

on our journeys of evolution.

Among them,

we feel free to be our imperfect selves,

to engage unabashedly

in the activities we enjoy,

and to express our vulnerabilities

by relying on our tribe for support.

We feel comfortable investing

our time and energy

in the members of our tribe,

and are equally comfortable

allowing them to invest their resources

in our development.

The individuals who eventually become

members of your unique tribe

are out there in the wide world

waiting for you.

You are destined to find them,

one by one,

as you move through life.

Sometimes your own efforts

will put you in contact

with your future tribe members.

At other times,

circumstances beyond your control

will play a role

in helping you connect with your tribe.

If you look about you and discover

that you are already allied

with a wonderful and supportive tribe,

remember that there are likely

many members of your tribe

you have not yet met.

On the other hand,

if you feel you are still living

outside of your tribe,

broadening your horizons

can help you find your tribe members.

However your life develops after

you come together with your tribe,

you can be assured

that its members will stand at your side.

On the surface,

your tribe may seem to be

nothing more than a loose-knit group

of friends and acquaintances

to whom you ally yourself.

Yet when you look deeper,

you will discover that your tribe

grounds you and provides you

with a sense of community

that ultimately fulfills many

of your most basic human needs.

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